I have posted a few pictures from Porter's Memorial Service that was held July 12, 2008 at Booneville, CA under the post: "Rest in peace Porter Willis"

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Memorable Memorial Day trips to the Buckeye

The Buckeye Gang at Willow Springs

I am Cyndy Coleman Marshall, I had met the Willis’ both Big Port and Averyel, and Porter and Larryann in 1980 when they were living in Malheur County, I spent the last 20 years ranching in Burns, Oregon. In 1999, I began a tradition of going down to the Buckeye for the Memorial Day weekend to help Port and Larryann, who manage it, gather the yearlings for shipping. Most years my best friends Cindy Jones and Laurie Kemp who both used to live in Burns, OR go down with me. They both had moved away, Cindi to Portland, and Laurie to LaGrande, (opposite sides of the State with me in the middle) so the Buckeye trip become our working mini vacation to get together and see each other. As well as spend time with Big Port and Averyel and Port and Larryann. Our Memorial Day visits are always memorable. Filled with miles of riding, good horses to ride, sore butts and lots of stories and laughs. Oh yes and good food. The trip this year was a little different. Funny how some things just work out the way they are supposed to. Last fall and winter, CA didn’t get the rains that they needed, the ranch didn’t grow any grass, so there weren’t any cattle to gather… Cattle to gather or not, we decided to still go anyway, if just for a good visit. As fate had it, Big Port had been hospitalized just before we arrived and I was able to see him every day that we were there. I’m so thankful for that !!!

These are some of the pictures from our trips over the years:

Big Port, at Willow Springs making sure the 4 wheeler doesn't get away !

Port and Averyel weighing and tallying steers at the Buckeye shipping pens

Laurie, Cindi, Greg Kent (ranch owner) and Big Port amused by the wild pigs while waiting on the cattle trucks.

Big Port and I - taking a break at Kelly Flat Trap halfway between Willow Springs and the shipping corrals. There's a spring fed trough for the cattle to water, and it's usually a good time to air the horses backs, not to mention our own :o)

Me, Porter, and Laurie, Good bye photo's at the end of another memorable weekend. 2006

We're going to miss you Port, our trips will never be the same. Thank you, for so much wisdom that you have shared with me over the years. I( really have retained it.) Give Tim a hug for me !!! Hugs and love to you, cyndy

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