Laurie, Cyndy and Cindi in front of Chubby at Kelly Flat Trap
My first trip to the Buckeye Ranch was on Memorial Weekend 2002. This was the start of many annual Memorial Day Weekend trips to help with the cattle and visit with friends. Big Port rode with us that year and it was also my first trip down "Snowy River". For all of you that have had the chance to ride it, you know the feeling, for those of you that haven't, the name says it all. I had heard a lot of stories about Big Port, and I knew I had better "cowgirl up" and get the job done. The Willis' had put me on one of their good horses and Big Port rode over to me and said, "that horse knows what to do, but that doesn't mean you don't have to ride him". Needless to say, I knew the eyes of Big Port where upon me! I think I sat up a little taller that day and when we started down "Snowy River", I could see Big Port a head of me and off to my left side, looking back to see how I was doing. And when we got to the bottom and the cattle were finally all through the gate, he came over and said "well you made it, didn't ya"!
On May 6th, 2004 while at home in Oregon, I had had a serious riding accident and was unable to make the annual Memorial Weekend trip. It took a year for the broken bones to mend, but the mental part of the accident was still fresh. I left for the 2005 Buckeye trip, not knowing if I would be able to ride or not. Thinking I could go for the visiting and just stay around camp and maybe do the cooking for everybody that year. Well, that was not the plans of the Willis'. Everyone works at the Buckeye!
The first day we did some shipping and that went good. The next day it was up to Willow Springs to gather the cattle and start them down to the main ranch for shipping. That only meant one thing to me - - "Snowy River". Big Port was not riding any more and so it was decided to put me on his horse "Chubby". Ok, now I am really nervous, not only am I going to have to do the "Snowy River" ride, but on Big Port's horse and I know he's going to watching me, Ugh! The afternoon before, I had a long talk with Big Port about my accident and how it had really shaken my confidence. He listened and told me that "Chubby" had done that ride many times, and she would take good care of me. But that didn't mean "I didn't have to ride her". The morning of the ride, we hauled up to Willow Springs and unloaded the horses. Big Port came over and re-chinched my saddle, bridled her and then told me to "get on her and trot up the road and back". Then he also gave me instructions on how to ride her down "Snowy River". He added that "Chubby" knew how to do gates and to not let her get away with not side passing over to the gate and standing still while you work the gate.
Me (Cindi) on Big Port's mare "Chubby"
So off we went. Cyndy and Laurie went one way and I was sent with Porter Lynn another direction. I was so busy gathering and pushing cattle that I was not even thinking about coming off at the top of "Snowy River" when Porter Lynn rode over to me and said, "are you ok with this"? Thinking he was talking about where we were at the moment I said "sure". The next thing I knew, "Snowy River" loomed before me and there was no turning back. So I didn't even have time to think about it, I just got in there and rode. 

Cindi Jones and Chubby
Snowy River, straight down. You can see the lead of the cattle in the clearing to the top right of the photo, there is a rider beside them. It's so steep you can't see the cattle in between. The reservoir at the bottom is Willow Springs.
The ride went so well and I felt so good, that I even took my camera out and took pictures. At the bottom, I was the last one to the gate and so it was my job to shut it. "Chubby" slowly side passed up to the gate, but didn't quit get all the way over, so I leaned way over to latch it. Feeling pretty good about the ride, I rode in to Willow Springs with the rest of the crew. And waiting there was Big Port. The first thing he said was "well you made it." And the very next thing was, "but you didn't make "Chubby" do the gate, did ya"? I don't know where he had been watching from, but the Eyes of Big Port were upon me. I just had to smile, hang my head and say "no I didn't". I don't know if he ever knew how much that day meant to me, but his encouragement and stern words, gave me back the confidence that I had missed for the last year.
If I ever get the chance to ride "Snowy River" again, I know the Eye's of Big Port" will be upon me and I'll be sure to do that gate right.
If I ever get the chance to ride "Snowy River" again, I know the Eye's of Big Port" will be upon me and I'll be sure to do that gate right.
Thank you Port, I am gonna miss you, Cindi Jones
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